High-quality web development & UI/UX design
Your partner for everything web.

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What can I do for you?

Software Development

I build fast and reliable web applications tailored to your business needs.

Software Modernization

Bring your legacy codebase to the 21st century! I can help - whether it's a complete rewrite or just a minor touch-up.

User Experience Design

Interfaces can be confusing. I will simplify your website or app so users can reach their goals more easily.

User Interface Design

Good first impressions can open doors. I design beautiful web interfaces that will impress your audience.

Strategic Assistance

Sometimes it's best to ask an expert. With my experience and know-how, I will help you realize your projects.

Ongoing Support

As your business grows, your requirements may change. Whether you need new features or want to improve existing ones, I'm here to help.

Find out more

Me sitting on a tiny chair

Hello, my name is Lena.

I'm a full-stack software engineer from Vienna who designs and develops web applications. I care a lot about usability, maintainability, and accessibility.

Are you looking for a skilled and experienced web developer with design and UX know-how?

Get in touch

Let's talk!

